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Globals.d.ts beta


  • AXIOS_BASE for Axios's baseURL
  • AXIOS_HEADERS for Axios's headers

See reference/fileManager#getenveource for more information about how this works in the background.

import type { PluginFactoryOptions } from '@kubb/core'
import type { AppMeta as SwaggerAppMeta, OverrideBy, ResolvePathOptions, SkipBy } from '@kubb/swagger'
import type { CreateAxiosDefaults } from 'axios'

 * We override `process.env` so no need to import this
 * @example tsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
___ "types": ["@kubb/swagger-client/globals"]
export type Environments = {
  AXIOS_BASE?: CreateAxiosDefaults['baseURL']
  AXIOS_HEADERS?: CreateAxiosDefaults['headers']

 * We override `process.env` so no need to import this
 * @example tsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
___ "types": ["@kubb/swagger-client/globals"]
export type Environment = keyof Environments

export type Options = {
   * Output to save the clients.
   * @default `"clients"``
  output?: string
   * Group the clients based on the provided name.
  groupBy?: {
     * Tag will group based on the operation tag inside the Swagger file
    type: 'tag'
     * Relative path to save the grouped clients.
     * `{{tag}}` will be replaced by the current tagName.
     * @example `${output}/{{tag}}Controller` => `clients/PetController`
     * @default `${output}/{{tag}}Controller`
    output?: string
     * Name to be used for the `export * as {{exportAs}} from './`
     * @default `"{{tag}}Service"`
    exportAs?: string
   * Array containing skipBy paramaters to exclude/skip tags/operations/methods/paths.
  skipBy?: Array<SkipBy>
   * Array containing overrideBy paramaters to override `options` based on tags/operations/methods/paths.
  overrideBy?: Array<OverrideBy<Options>>
   * Path to the client that will be used to do the API calls.
   * Relative to the root.
   * @default '@kubb/swagger-client/client'
   * @deprecated Use `clientImportPath` instead. It will be skipped if `clientImportPath` is provided.
  client?: string
   * Path to the client import path that will be used to do the API calls.
   * It will be used as `import client from '${clientImportPath}'`.
   * It allow both relative and absolute path.
   * the path will be applied as is, so relative path should be based on the file being generated.
   * @default '@kubb/swagger-client/client'
  clientImportPath?: string
   * Experimental
   * ReturnType that needs to be used when calling client().
   * `Data` will return ResponseConfig[data].
   * `Full` will return ResponseConfig.
   * @default `'data'`
   * @private
  dataReturnType?: 'data' | 'full'
   * Experimental
   * How to pass your pathParams.
   * `object` will return the pathParams as an object.
   * `inline` will return the pathParams as comma separated params.
   * @default `'inline'`
   * @private
  pathParamsType?: 'object' | 'inline'
  transformers?: {
     * Override the name of the client that is getting generated, this will also override the name of the file.
    name?: (name: string) => string

export type FileMeta = {
  pluginName?: string
  tag?: string

export type PluginOptions = PluginFactoryOptions<'swagger-client', Options, false, never, ResolvePathOptions>

export type AppMeta = SwaggerAppMeta
import type { PluginFactoryOptions } from '@kubb/core'
import type { AppMeta as SwaggerAppMeta, OverrideBy, ResolvePathOptions, SkipBy } from '@kubb/swagger'
import type { CreateAxiosDefaults } from 'axios'

 * We override `process.env` so no need to import this
 * @example tsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
___ "types": ["@kubb/swagger-client/globals"]
export type Environments = {
  AXIOS_BASE?: CreateAxiosDefaults['baseURL']
  AXIOS_HEADERS?: CreateAxiosDefaults['headers']

 * We override `process.env` so no need to import this
 * @example tsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
___ "types": ["@kubb/swagger-client/globals"]
export type Environment = keyof Environments

export type Options = {
   * Output to save the clients.
   * @default `"clients"``
  output?: string
   * Group the clients based on the provided name.
  groupBy?: {
     * Tag will group based on the operation tag inside the Swagger file
    type: 'tag'
     * Relative path to save the grouped clients.
     * `{{tag}}` will be replaced by the current tagName.
     * @example `${output}/{{tag}}Controller` => `clients/PetController`
     * @default `${output}/{{tag}}Controller`
    output?: string
     * Name to be used for the `export * as {{exportAs}} from './`
     * @default `"{{tag}}Service"`
    exportAs?: string
   * Array containing skipBy paramaters to exclude/skip tags/operations/methods/paths.
  skipBy?: Array<SkipBy>
   * Array containing overrideBy paramaters to override `options` based on tags/operations/methods/paths.
  overrideBy?: Array<OverrideBy<Options>>
   * Path to the client that will be used to do the API calls.
   * Relative to the root.
   * @default '@kubb/swagger-client/client'
   * @deprecated Use `clientImportPath` instead. It will be skipped if `clientImportPath` is provided.
  client?: string
   * Path to the client import path that will be used to do the API calls.
   * It will be used as `import client from '${clientImportPath}'`.
   * It allow both relative and absolute path.
   * the path will be applied as is, so relative path should be based on the file being generated.
   * @default '@kubb/swagger-client/client'
  clientImportPath?: string
   * Experimental
   * ReturnType that needs to be used when calling client().
   * `Data` will return ResponseConfig[data].
   * `Full` will return ResponseConfig.
   * @default `'data'`
   * @private
  dataReturnType?: 'data' | 'full'
   * Experimental
   * How to pass your pathParams.
   * `object` will return the pathParams as an object.
   * `inline` will return the pathParams as comma separated params.
   * @default `'inline'`
   * @private
  pathParamsType?: 'object' | 'inline'
  transformers?: {
     * Override the name of the client that is getting generated, this will also override the name of the file.
    name?: (name: string) => string

export type FileMeta = {
  pluginName?: string
  tag?: string

export type PluginOptions = PluginFactoryOptions<'swagger-client', Options, false, never, ResolvePathOptions>

export type AppMeta = SwaggerAppMeta
/// <reference no-default-lib="true" />
/// <reference lib="esnext" />

type Environments = import('./src/types.ts').Environments

declare module 'global' {
  namespace NodeJS {
    export interface ProcessEnv extends Partial<Record<keyof Environments, string>> {}
 * `tsconfig.json`
 * @example
"compilerOptions": {
___ "types": ["@kubb/swagger-client/globals"]
 * @example implementation
___ env?: NodeJS.ProcessEnv
declare namespace NodeJS {
  export interface ProcessEnv extends Partial<Record<keyof Environments, string>> {}
/// <reference no-default-lib="true" />
/// <reference lib="esnext" />

type Environments = import('./src/types.ts').Environments

declare module 'global' {
  namespace NodeJS {
    export interface ProcessEnv extends Partial<Record<keyof Environments, string>> {}
 * `tsconfig.json`
 * @example
"compilerOptions": {
___ "types": ["@kubb/swagger-client/globals"]
 * @example implementation
___ env?: NodeJS.ProcessEnv
declare namespace NodeJS {
  export interface ProcessEnv extends Partial<Record<keyof Environments, string>> {}


To get TypeScript support for NodeJS.ProcessEnv(with already the process.env type being set), add @kubb/swagger-client/globals to your tsconfig.json:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "types": [
  "compilerOptions": {
    "types": [


/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-namespace */

type BasePath<T extends string = string> = `${T}/`

export type CacheItem = KubbFile.ResolvedFile & {
  cancel?: () => void

export namespace KubbFile {
  export type Import = {
    name: string | Array<string>
    path: string
    isTypeOnly?: boolean

  export type Export = {
    name?: string | Array<string>
    path: string
    isTypeOnly?: boolean
    asAlias?: boolean

  export type UUID = string
  export type Source = string

  export type Extname = '.ts' | '.js' | '.tsx' | '.json' | `.${string}`

  export type Mode = 'file' | 'directory'

  export type BaseName = `${string}${Extname}`

  export type Path = string

  export type AdvancedPath<T extends BaseName = BaseName> = `${BasePath}${T}`

  export type OptionalPath = Path | undefined | null

  export type File<
    TMeta extends {
      pluginName?: string
    } = {
      pluginName?: string
    TBaseName extends BaseName = BaseName,
  > = {
     * Name to be used to dynamicly create the baseName(based on input.path)
     * Based on UNIX basename
     * @link
    baseName: TBaseName
     * Path will be full qualified path to a specified file
    path: AdvancedPath<TBaseName> | Path
    source: Source
    imports?: Import[]
    exports?: Export[]
     * This will call fileManager.add instead of fileManager.addOrAppend, adding the source when the files already exists
     * @default `false`
    override?: boolean
    meta?: TMeta
     * This will override `process.env[key]` inside the `source`, see `getFileSource`.
    env?: NodeJS.ProcessEnv

  export type ResolvedFile = KubbFile.File & {
     * crypto.randomUUID()
    id: UUID
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-namespace */

type BasePath<T extends string = string> = `${T}/`

export type CacheItem = KubbFile.ResolvedFile & {
  cancel?: () => void

export namespace KubbFile {
  export type Import = {
    name: string | Array<string>
    path: string
    isTypeOnly?: boolean

  export type Export = {
    name?: string | Array<string>
    path: string
    isTypeOnly?: boolean
    asAlias?: boolean

  export type UUID = string
  export type Source = string

  export type Extname = '.ts' | '.js' | '.tsx' | '.json' | `.${string}`

  export type Mode = 'file' | 'directory'

  export type BaseName = `${string}${Extname}`

  export type Path = string

  export type AdvancedPath<T extends BaseName = BaseName> = `${BasePath}${T}`

  export type OptionalPath = Path | undefined | null

  export type File<
    TMeta extends {
      pluginName?: string
    } = {
      pluginName?: string
    TBaseName extends BaseName = BaseName,
  > = {
     * Name to be used to dynamicly create the baseName(based on input.path)
     * Based on UNIX basename
     * @link
    baseName: TBaseName
     * Path will be full qualified path to a specified file
    path: AdvancedPath<TBaseName> | Path
    source: Source
    imports?: Import[]
    exports?: Export[]
     * This will call fileManager.add instead of fileManager.addOrAppend, adding the source when the files already exists
     * @default `false`
    override?: boolean
    meta?: TMeta
     * This will override `process.env[key]` inside the `source`, see `getFileSource`.
    env?: NodeJS.ProcessEnv

  export type ResolvedFile = KubbFile.File & {
     * crypto.randomUUID()
    id: UUID


This feature could be useful for:

  • Types support for 'axios' options
  • Prototyping

Released under the MIT License.